Short Scary Stories online
In a Creepy Night
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short scary story : In a Creepy Night |
Jeetu and Sandy were two friends since their childhood. They were well known for their mischievous nature. Every day they discovered some naughty ideas and used to apply them in the school, to the neighbours and even to their own family. Everybody was mad on those naughty boys. They were not harmful to anybody, but they were fun lovers.
They lived in a village beside a small stream. Not properly a village though; it was half town and half village. It was not much populated as an accurate town. Jungles, bushes, ponds were every where in that village. There was a church beside the river and a graveyard along with it. Mainly farmers lived in that village. A number of farm-houses with fruit gardens were there. Sandy's father was a farmer. Jeetu also belonged to a farmer's family but his father chose a different job as a factory supervisor. These two boys studied in the same class in same school. They always had bad ideas in their mind.
It was a hot summer day. They returned home from school as usual. They went to the playground at afternoon and when they were playing the Northwesters storm began to blow. All the boys ran to their home. After breaking down some trees, the storm consigned it's duty to the rain and the thunder.
It was half past eight. Sandy was doing his homework in his room. His mom was cooking something delicious in the kitchen. His little sister Pamy was playing on the floor with her dolls. She had invited Sandy for a dinner party of her daughter's marriage ceremony. Sandy was busy with his math problems. Suddenly he heard a gentle knock on the closed back window. He opened the window. It was Jeetu standing in the darkness.
"Who is that San'ny?" Pamy enquired with fear.
"Mind your own business brat!" Sandy answered her to make her angry and he got success.
Pamy ran to the kitchen screaming, "Mommy, San'ny told me 'brat'!"
When she left the room, Sandy looked back outside the window. Jeetu grinned and whispered, "Tonight we'll go to Chowdhury's mango garden. I have saw there previously, all the trees were full with ripe mangoes. Can you imagine what a treasure is waiting for us there on the ground after the storm? I will call you at ten. Stay ready."
Sandy nodded with consent and Jeetu vanished into the darkness.
It was quarter past ten. The rain had stopped completely. Two fearless boys were walking silently on the village lane. The lane was slippery. Frogs were celebrating their festival with music in both side bushes of the lane. Sandy brought a torchlight in his hand. But he was not using it. They didn't want to draw an attention with a light in the darkness. They knew all the lanes in their village very well. No light was needed for them. Suddenly a pack of jackals called in unison from somewhere.
"I heard that Chowdhury’s mango garden is a haunted place." Sandy told Jeetu to break the silence. "Are you sure it is a good idea to visit there at night?"
Jeetu smiled. "Don't be afraid. I am with you. But we have to be careful about the guard. And don't use your torch there."
"Then how can we determine where the mangoes are?" Sandy basked.
"Mangoes are everywhere there. Ok you don't have to pick those up. You only hold the bag. I will gather them. If you use your torch, the watchman sure will catch us." Jeetu assured him.
Sandy asked him, "But I heard, that place is haunted."
Jeetu smiled again, "I also heard about it. That's a rumour only. If you are afraid, you can go back home. I'll go there alone."
Sandy became silent. He is not afraid till he is with his best friend.
When they entered into the garden, It was pitch dark. Sandy told, "Hey bro, can't see anything." Jeetu replied, "It's not a problem. This garden is well known to me. I can walk here without a light. Let me hold your hand."
Sandy got a shiver when Jeetu held his hand. Jeetu's hand was as cold as ice. He felt a chill wave of awkward sensation into his spine. All his courage disappeared instantly. He asked Jeetu in a shaking voice, "Why is your hand so cold bro?"
"Shut your mouth up and come with me." Jeetu replied and started to pull him into the middle of the garden.
They stopped in a particular place. Jeetu told Sandy, "Stand here and hold the bag. I am gathering the fruits." Then he gone into the darkness Sandy didn't know where.
From there Sandy saw the guard sitting on a cot with a almost blind lantern outside the garden. Jeetu came with some mangoes and put those into the bag. Sandy was standing under a tree. A few drops of rain water fell on his head from the tree leaves. Something was crawling on the ground. It may be snake. He whispered, "Jeetu, where are you?" Jeetu replied from a short distance of two or three feet, "I am here coward! Don't make a noise."
That object might be a snake, started to scrawl on his toe and it tied his leg tightly by it's coil. Sandy didn't wait any more. He forgot about the guard and lighted his torch. There was nothing on his leg. But he still then was feeling the sensation of coil which was pulling him towards the ground. He focused the torch at front to find out Jeetu. But he was not there. He searched for Jeetu all around no one was seen. A great panic attacked him. That invisible thing was pulling him continuously to the ground. He screamed with horror, "Jeetu! Where are you?" Instead of Jeetu the guard Shouted, "Who is there?" and started to come tracking the light of the torch.
Suddenly Sandy felt that the coil got loose. At the moment when he became free, started to run to the entrance of the garden. He felt worried for Jeetu. But he had no more gut to go back there. He stopped running when he was at the back door of his house. Then silently entered into his room and took his bed. He could not sleep that night. He left his best friend into that cursed place.
Next day was Sunday. Usually Sunday was 'fun-day' for Sandy. But that Sunday morning was bitter to him. When he got permission from his mom to go outside, he reached at the riverside play ground by the church. People were coming into the church for prayer. He saw other boys in the playground. He asked one of them, "Where is Jeetu?"
He replied, "Don't know."
"Have you seen him today?" Sandy became worried."
The boy asked, "What is the matter? Why are you so impatient?"
Sandy told them what happened last night. Everybody became stunned. One among them told, "Why were you guys went there? Didn't you know about that place?"
"I heard about that. But Jeetu told me that it is a rumour only. Nothing about it is real." Sandy told them.
"No! It is not only a rumour bro! You are lucky one that you have escaped it. That place is really a haunted place. At least after listening your experience, I have no more doubt about it." One of the boys said.
"May be it was my illusion. Think that, if that place is haunted, then how the guard is doing his job there?" Sandy explained.
The boy placed his hand on Sandy's shoulder and told in a calm voice, "You saw the guard last night. It proves that the place is haunted."
"But, how?" Sandy asked.
"Because the guard has died two or three months ago. He committed suicide hanging from that tree in the garden where his son died last year in Northwesters storm. His boy was of our age. He was gathering mangoes during the storm. A large trunk of that tree broke down and smashed his skull." The boy informed Sandy.
They all became silent. One of the boys told, "Let's go to Jeetu's home to know what happened to him?"
At that time, Jeetu came there with his parents. His parents entered into the church. Jeetu came into the playground. When he saw Sandy he came to him and told him, "I am sorry bro. Last night when I was leaving home to go Chowdhury’s garden, my dad caught me. So I could not go with you. We'll go another night. Ok buddy? Please don't be mad on me."
Sandy could not find out a single word to say.
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