Best Short Scary Stories
Death Trap
Short Scary Story : Death Trap |
Sankar was a village boy. He had completed school in his village. His father was a rich farmer. Besides farming, he had some other businesses like cold storage for vegetables, poultry farm, fishery. So when Sankar passed higher secondary exam, his father told him to join in his business. Though his elder brother Bhaskar also joined with his father after finishing school, but it was not enough. His father needed more help from family members. Because only two person can't manage all of these entirely. But Sankar was not eager to stop his education so early. He wanted to read more. He told his father about it. At first his father was reluctant but when Sankar's mother and Bhaskar supported Sankar's will then his father became agreed with it.
Now Sankar faced another problem. There was no college in their village. So he had to go nearest town and admitted there. This town was 10 km away from their village. So it was not possible for him to do up and down journey in regular basis. Obviously he needed a shelter in that town. Their college had no hostel facility. So he had to arrange an accommodation in that town.
His father knew it very well. For this reason he was not willing to send him college. Sankar was youngest boy in their family. So everybody loved him. Even his elder brother Bhaskar had no feeling of sibling rivalry to him. Sankar was a soft hearted, introvert boy just opposite of his brother. Bhaskar was daredevil boy and he was famous for this in their village. He had a lot of friends and he used to spend all the time with them outdoor. Sankar was very much dependent on him in external world. Bhaskar was over protective to him. Nobody in their village had gut to misbehave with Sankar. Though Sankar was not that type of boy who deserve misconduct. He was brilliant, intelligent, gentle and sober. He had not much friends. He spent all the spare time indoor with books. Bhaskar started to take him along to the playground at afternoon and tried to teach him how to play football. At first some boys made fun of Sankar's introversion. But they had to face hard time with Bhaskar for that. After that, they accepted Sankar as their unskilful playmate, but soon the started to like him for his pleasant attitude.
Bhaskar was not studious. He had not much interest for higher education. So he joined his father in the business after passing school final. But he respected his younger brother's interest for higher education. So when he saw Sankar was willing to continue his study and his father was not giving him permission, he and his mother talked to his father and succeeded to win over him. With his parents Bhaskar went with Sankar to that town and tried hard to find out an accommodation. It was not an easy task. People of a small town don't want a stranger person as paying guest in their family, on the other hand usually they don't have a spare room to let it rent.
At last they found one room in a old house in a quiet area of that town. That house was old and only an old couple lived on the second storey of that house. They had a son and he lived in foreign country. So they lived alone there. The let Sankar a room for rent on the ground floor. Their maid servant will cook for him and will clean his room for some money. Sankar liked the atmosphere of that house. It was situated in the middle of a large garden. Though the garden was a jungle for lack of maintenance. Different types of fruit trees and flower trees were there. The atmosphere was unique for a serious student. Sankar lodged there within two days. Bhaskar promised him, he will visit Sankar as frequently as possible. His mother kissed his forehead while returning home and wiped her eyes with the edge of her cloth. Sankar promised her he will go back home every Saturday evening.
The college days were going well. Sankar made some new friends there. He was actually enjoying the college. One day the head of their department gave all of them a project. Sankar worked hard on it. At the previous night of the paper submission day, he had to work till late night to complete the papers. When he finished his job, he felt relaxed. It was 12 at night. He opened the door of his room and came outside veranda for fresh air. The July sky was dull and the weather was hot.
When he came into the veranda, it was dark all around the garden. Only fireflies were visible with their sparkling lightning. Sankar was fond of nature's beauty. He was enjoying the night time grace of earth.
He was feeling a strange light fragrance of something. At first he thought it may be an unknown flower, but when the light fragrance became sharp, he felt dizziness in his brain. He turned back to go inside the room. Before any movement he heard a sweet voice behind him. She was telling him, "May I have some time with you?"
Sankar was astonished. A good looking woman, may be 25 years old, pretty, fair, a decent appearance standing by him face to face. The fragrance was coming from her. When she smiled, her teeth was glistening like pearls by the deem light of veranda. The dizziness was collapsing his brain's work. But still he stood there face to face. A sharp feeling of pleasure was touching his 18 year's old heart. The woman introduced herself, "I am Nayana. I live here. But I didn't see you before. Are you newcomer in this town?"
Sankar was not thinking straight, though he told his name and the reason why hi is here. The woman Nayana said, "I haven't any friend. Though you are younger than me, but we may be good friends, if you want. I have nobody to talk."
Several questions were roaming into his mind, 'who is she?' 'what is he doing here at the middle of the night?' 'why is he feeling so strange at her presence?' But none of those questions he asked her. Instead he told, "Sure! You are welcome here any time."
"I can't come here anytime. My parents are very strict. The sleep at 12. I can come only then. And don't tell anybody about me. If my parents come to know about it, I'll be in great danger." Nayana said in melodious tone
They talked there in veranda till 1 pm at night. Then Nayana went back to her home. Sankar returned on his bed and slept instantly. He was not feeling well.
Nayana came next night and this night meeting was became into a routine. She used to come exactly at 12 and returned at 1 am. Sankar had observed, her movements were as silent as a cat and that strange dizzy feeling was obvious at her presence and after she left. Day by day his physical and mental health was going worse. He became weak and impatient. He started to do rude behaviour with his friends. He lost his interest on study. Even he stopped to go home at Saturday. When his parents came to meet him, he pretended everything was ok. Nayana became a great problem to him. He felt that he was not going at right direction. But he could not control himself. He had many questions, but never he asked her those.
One night he planned to avoid Nayana. He locked his room from inside and pretended to sleep deeply. But when it was12, he felt Nayana inside the room shaking him to wake up. What was only a doubt about her, it became quite certain to him. Nayana was sitting on his bed and the door was still then locked from inside. He asked her, " How did you came inside?"
Nayana laughed sweetly and replied, "I know some tricks. Nothing is impossible for me."
Sankar did not ask another question on this matter. He started to talk with her in some random matter and waited for 1am. After she gone, he felt himself more weak than previous hour. He lost some more energy with the dizziness and the pleasure. Soon he fell asleep.
Next day he did not go to the college and called Bhaskar with his mobile. Bhaskar came at the noon and when he saw his face, instantly he understood something was wrong with his little brother. Sankar was not same as last time he saw him. He became worried about Sankar's health.
He asked Sankar about it. At first Sankar hesitated to tell Bhaskar about the truth. But Bhaskar started to question him and thus the truth revealed. If it was told by another person, Bhaskar thought that it was an effect of weeds addiction. But he had a trust on Sankar. So he decided to stay at night there.
That night two brothers were awake till 12. But just then Bhaskar felt strong dizziness and soon fell asleep. He woke up 1:30 at night after a deep sleep and found Sankar was lying on the bed motionless. It seemed that all the energy were drained from his body.
Next day Sankar returned home with Bhaskar. Bhaskar did not dare to let him stay there any more. They told their parents everything. His mother became anxious about it. His father told him to stay at home some day and after a rest and treatment he will join college again. In between this time he will arrange other place for Sankar to stay in that town.
They thought that the danger was gone. But that night Sankar became to know that they were wrong. When it was 12 at night, he woke up with the same smell and dizziness. Nayana was there in his room. But she was not as pleasant as in that home. She told with fire in eyes, "Why have you came here without telling me? Don't think that it is easy to fool me. You know me since a long time. Do you really not understand what I am? I'll not allow you to be apart from me. If anybody try to interfere between us, I'll kill them. I want you."
"Why are you saying me these? I was not feeling well. I became sick. So my brother take me with him at home for treatment. I couldn't say him anything about you because you warned me. So I had to come with him. Don't you understand my physical condition?" Sankar told in a weak voice. Actually he was very weak.
Nayana became soft to him, " Ok! But come there yesterday. I'll bring you some medicine. You will be fine."
Sankar said, "I don't think that I can go there yesterday. I have not much energy left for a journey. Give me some time to gather strength."
"Ok! But if you don't go there, nobody will be able to save you from me. Remember it."
When Nayana left, Sankar woke his parents and told them everything. His mother started to cry. For the first time Bhaskar felt helpless to protect his little brother. Next day Bhaskar and his father went out to find out a spiritual help. At first they went to the priest of their village temple. He sent them to a experienced 'tantrik' who lived in burning ghat(samsan) in a remote village.
The appearance of that tantrik was not like a traditional one. He was an old man, lived in a temporary hut inside the burning ghat area. Sankar's father entered inside the hut while Bhaskar was standing outside. His father told him everything and requested him to go with him. But that old man was not willing to go with him. He told him, "May be your son is wrong. May be it is his imagination which is a common factor with a weak body."
Sankar's father said, "But my son never tells a lie."
"I didn't mean that." The tantrik replied calmly. "Previously in many cases I saw that it was not a genuine haunting. Fear, physical weakness, imagination, loneliness sometimes drive people in this way. Instead of me, you should visit a doctor........" He stopped when he saw Bhaskar outside his hut's door. He noticed something and called him inside. When Bhaskar came inside, the old man watched him for a long time then told his father, "You are right. I can see this boy is also in her shadow. Have you experienced something my child?" Bhaskar told him what happened that night while he was with Sankar." The old man took some equipment in his bag and told, "Let's go. I think your son is in a great danger."
When they returned home with the old man, it was evening. Sankar was lying on his bed. Tiredness was clear on his face. The tantrik sat beside him and asked him some questions after examining him. He was not sure what type of thing was that. At the night after meal he placed a handful rice in a piece of clothe and an uncut fresh lemon on it. Then he placed it inside the pillow of Sankar. He told others to leave the room. Sankar had to face her alone one night more. Though Sankar's mother was not willing to leave him alone anymore, but she obeyed that old man.
When it was 12 at night, all the members in that house fell asleep suddenly, only the tantrik was conscious. He also felt the fragrance from another room. After 1am at night, he woke other members of that family and came into Sankar's room. He was watching on the ceiling lying on bed. He became pale and more weak. Bhaskar wept watching his loving brother in that condition. His mother was crying. His father felt helpless and looked at the tantrik with hope. The old man pulled out the piece of cloth from where it was placed and opened it. The rice changed into the red dusts and when he cut the lemon, it was rotten from inside. The tantrik became serious. Sankar's father asked him, "What's the matter?"
Everybody in that room looked at the old man. He could not encourage them. Instead he told, "I can't handle this case. It is beyond my limitation. This object is too much powerful. No living mind can fight with it."
"Why is it after my son?" Asked Sankar's mother stopping her cry.
"He had welcomed it. So it is sucking all his energies to be more powerful. It is a type of parasite. A very cruel destructive force of nature. They can't do anything until you are not giving it an invitation. This child had invited it. So it is impossible to do them apart. Whoever will try to do it, will die in a very cruel way."
"Then what can we do?" Asked Bhaskar impatiently.
"There is no living mind who can fight with this type of parasite." Said the old man. He seemed thoughtful.
"If there is any trick to use it's power against it?" Asked Bhaskar.
The old man smiled widely. "That's a good idea. I like it my child. give me some time to think overnight. We will talk about it tomorrow morning.
Next morning the tantrik called them all in Sankar's room and told about his plan. It was a dangerous plan with high risk. But there was no substitute way. It was totally on Sankar's mental strength.
That night when Nayana came to his room, Sankar was awake. He told Nayana, "Forgot something?"
"Forgot?" Nayana was surprised. "What are you talking about?"
"Why are you joking? Today you came at 11 and returned a few minutes ago and you are again here now." Sankar said very calmly.
"Are you kidding me? I came just now." Nayana was still surprised.
"No you are playing with me." Sankar continued. "You came at 11 and asked, 'may I come'? I welcomed you as usual. Though you behaved strangely. Then you returned a few minutes ago. And again you are here. I have not much energy left today. Please Nayana, let me sleep. I am very tired."
"Are you sure I was here tonight at 11?" Nayana was serious.
"Forgot so soon?" Sankar pranked her lying on the bed.
"It was not me!" Nayana said.
"What do you mean?" Sankar rose up on his bed with tension.
"I mean it was another person. It was not me. It may kill you." There was fire in her eyes.
"Please save me. I am your friend, not other's. Please Nayana! I can't undergo any more. Please save me!" There was terror in his eyes.
Nayana thought for sometime. Then she told, " There is a way to get rid of it. But you have to go with me."
"Where?" Sankar asked.
"In a jungle outside of your village." Nayana replied.
"But it is a long distance. I can't go by myself." Sankar told.
"I can help you to reach there. But you have to return by yourself." She told him.
"Why are we going there?" Sankar asked. He was really terrorized now by fear. What she want to do with him?
"There is a herb in the broken wall of an old abandoned temple. You have to collect that herb. We can't go even near that herb. So You have to return alone with that. You have to make an amulet with it and hold wear it all time. But you have to keep it in another room 12 at night and when I will return, you have wear it again. Understand it?" Nayana gave him the instruction.
"Yes. Let's go." Sankar was ready.
Once they came outside the house, Sankar felt he was floating into the air. When they reached there, Nayana let him go and told him to collect that herb. Sankar did as per her direction. Then he returned home walking slowly. He heard Nayana was giving him the reminder how to use it, from a long distance.
The plan of that old man was successful. Next morning he made some amulets for Sankar and his other family members and gave them to wear those all time. Then he performed some rituals around their house with the rest of that herb.
After that night the way to Sankar was closed for Nayana. After realizing her stupidity, she tried some more days to persuade Sankar, but failed and gone from there seeking another prey.